Sarama in Hindu Mythology is the Mother of all Dogs and Beasts of Prey
I came to training dogs through a love of bonding with the ones I walked for neighbours and friends, the highlight for me was developing a lasting relationship with them through training, exploration and play. My first career being in Hospitality provided me with observation skills, the ability to analyse behaviour, adapt my communication and listen to the needs and wants of my client but most importantly it taught me patience. What drives my approach to training and developing a relationship with my client (both human and canine) is my innate curiosity to know the Why, I seek out as much knowledge as I can on dog behaviour, psychology, theories, practices, new as well as more developed ones to bolster my problem solving skills and find the one which will work for the unique dog and family who have come to seek my assistance. I am here to Coach you towards your goal of living cohesively together.